How to Stop Crippling Stress, Anxiety and Debilitating Depression – Without Medication, Feeling Hopeless Or Alone.

You have a choice... You can resign yourself to constantly feeling trapped in a web of crippling stress, horrible anxiety and deep despair. With troubled thoughts, sleepless nights and debilitating depression… All sucking the very life out of you.

OR you can take a few moments to read this important message, follow the advice and experience quick, long-lasting relief. Blissful relief, without mind numbing medications, overwhelm or losing your sanity… It’s all within your grasp.

When was the last time you felt genuinely OK? Without horrible anxiety or dread of being unmotivated, exhausted or depressed? Yes, we’re talking about your mental wellbeing, and mental health, right?

Imagine not relying on medications to make it through the day. And instead of feeling lousy, half alive and having to FAKE a smile – you could be OK, full of life and experience REAL joy.

See if any of these scenarios sound familiar to you…

Maybe you’ve been suffering from constant mental exhaustion and been diagnosed with stress, anxiety or depression. You’re probably wondering ‘what’s WRONG with me?’ Maybe you’re ready to give up on ever feeling normal again!

Or maybe you’re receiving treatment for stress, anxiety or depression – but you’re not getting better. You’re following your doctor’s advice, but still feeling constantly stressed or overwhelmed. OR maybe instead of feeling better, your suffering gets more intense, more debilitating… keeping you on a short fuse, emotionally.

Maybe you’re living in a mental fog, and tired of just existing. Maybe you’re questioning everything, wondering if there’s a better way.

Maybe some days it even seems everyone has run out of answers, and given up on making you feel better. Or maybe you’re getting shuffled around, having more tests done, and seriously beginning to think… “Is this what I have to look forward to, for the rest of my life?”

If you’re like most stress, anxiety or depression sufferers… Pretty soon you’re taking a mix of mind-numbing medications, just to cope, just to keep your sanity… let alone live a full and happy life! 

The sad truth is this…

Much you’ve heard about stress, anxiety and depression is wrong…

You’ll be shocked to learn the root cause of most stress, anxiety and depression. Even after years of working with stressed out, anxious clients – I was surprised!

Before discovering the root cause, I thought the treatment of stress, anxiety and depression was difficult… Why? Because while exploring mental wellbeing, I found many different ways seeking to treat stress, anxiety and depression. And with many conflicting theories. For example…

If you go to a doctor, you’re likely to get prescription medication. If you go to a psychologist, you’re likely to get therapy. If you go to a counsellor, you’re likely to get empathy and exercises. If you go to mental health helpline, you’re likely get guidance and a chance to talk…. Do you hear what I’m saying?

Now, let’s be clear – I’m not saying any of that is bad, or wrong. What I’m saying is; health care providers treat ‘you’ based on ‘their’ specialised knowledge. And some may be more interested in treating your symptoms, rather than finding a cure. And that’s understandable. Because, as you already know, gaining good mental wellbeing can be a tough ask. It’s complex and difficult to put your finger on…

Which means many stress, anxiety or depression sufferers like you, have had little choice… Otherwise than resigning themselves to the misery of daily struggles, sleepless nights and feeling hopeless or lost. All with no end in sight. Until now…

Mental wellbeing; stress and anxiety discoveries…

Our minds are astonishingly complex and powerful tools… But, there’s a catch – our mind DOESN’T come with an instruction manual. You’re expected to figure it out for yourself. We’re all learning, so it’s not your fault if you hit a few bumps along the way…

Like most, I’ve also encountered a few bumps along the way. However…

I was fortunate, because I’d always been fascinated and engrossed with the mind since childhood. I’ve always wanted to figure it out – how to drive it, how to steer it! That fascination turned to passion, then evolved as the major component in my business career.

Now, I’ve been working with stress and anxiety sufferers for several decades. Mostly with business and achievers. Those frequently working under high pressure, intense anxiety and crippling stress. Tough, demanding workplaces, with pressures enough to break the toughest souls…

Over those years I discovered and learned to identify the root causes of ‘clients’ stress, anxiety or depression. I developed and refined techniques, addressing the ROOT CAUSE of ‘their UNIQUE problems’… Therefore remedying clients suffering and getting them back on track again. My techniques worked well for them, and stayed working. Similarly, just as they’ll likely work for you also.

Since then, I’ve been on a mission to help stress, anxiety and depression sufferers, by using my proven techniques. Now, you might be thinking…?

Are you fighting SYMPTONS or CAUSING cures…?

So, in the area of mental health or mental wellbeing… Why haven’t I heard of this type of relief…? Let me explain why…

Firstly, most treatments are SYMPTOMS focused… However, the ‘root causes’ are SUBCONSCIOUS. They fly under the radar, so you’re NOT CONSCIOUSLY aware of the REAL CAUSES. You’re JUST aware of the SYMPTOMS (were most remedies are focused)… So the CAUSE remains HIDDEN – continually creating havoc, like a runaway locomotive!

Just, imagine fruitlessly searching in one direction – where the answers DON’T exist. Without ever recognising there IS ANOTHER another direction – where ALL the answers EXIST. But you’re never AWARE of it! That’s an uphill battle leaving you feeling crushed and floundering in the dark…  

Secondly; when we’re feeling unwell, we do what we’ve always done…

Because, when we’re feeling unwell – we go to our doctor FIRST. And unfortunately, many practitioners fail to recognise, or address the real cause of stress, anxiety and depression. Instead, doctors usually prescribe medications to relieve the SYMPTOMS (not the cause). Or suggest counselling, which may help, or may make the stress, anxiety or depression worse.

What’s the real cause of stress, anxiety or depression?

In most cases, the short answer is… The ROOT CAUSE. It causes an ‘IMBALANCE in thinking’ causing STRESS. Stress causes DISTRESS, feelings of anxiety, TROUBLED THOUGHTS and feelings of hopelessness. This quickly turns to PHYSICAL TIREDNESS (no energy), MENTAL FATIQUE (mind fog), no joy, no motivation, sleepless nights – then DEPRESSION.

Soon you feel trapped in a dark web of despair, going nowhere. You feel isolated, alone – almost invisible – and you can’t escape. You’re terrified of the future, plagued with bad thoughts and nightmares. It becomes unbearable to ‘sit with those awful feelings’, because they’re suffocating, physically and mentally draining. The harder you try to get out, the deeper you sink…

All making you feel like you’re dying inside…

Blissful relief from crippling stress, horrible anxiety and debilitating depression

Now, you have a CHOICE…

You don’t have to struggle through your day, feeling half asleep, just going through the motions. You don’t have to feel horribly anxious, stressed out or depressed. You don’t have to feel trapped, half alive and barely hanging onto your sanity… NO, you don’t have to continually feel like you’re stuck in limbo – like you’re just existing. There’s a much better way…

When we take aim at the ROOT CAUSE of the suffering, we can eliminate the stress, anxiety or depression. When tension is relieved, BALANCED THINKING returns and the suffering goes away. It’s that simple. YES, you read that correctly…

How to eliminate suffering and change your life – permanently…

YES. You can win the battle against crippling stress, horrible anxiety and debilitating depression.

The offer you’re about to read can change your life. You can be free of suffering. You’ll be able to focus on your job, your family and life, like never before. You’ll feel free, like you’re floating on a cloud…

You’ve come this far, so you’re serious about changing your life and mental wellbeing. The first step is easy. It starts with an informal chat. Let’s call it your ‘Discovery Session’. It’s about what YOU want and what’s IMPORTANT to you. Also, what’s CAUSING your stress, anxiety or depression… What to DO about it – and HOW we can HELP YOU get past it…

Why a Discovery Session? Because, we’re all unique; we’ve all made from different experiences… And most IMPORTANTLY, we’ve all processed those experiences DIFFERENTLY in our SUBCONSCIOUS. Your root cause of stress and anxiety is UNIQUE to you… So, this is a huge opportunity for you to understand YOUR real cause of suffering, to ‘sound things out’, and to get perspective… All in a friendly and safe environment…

Together, we’ll get clearer on ‘your unique situation’, your challenges and your solutions. We’ll walk you through, specifically how we can help. Any questions will be answered, and you’ll be clearer on the unique solutions we’re offering. And rest assured – all discussions remains strictly confidential.

Let me be completely up front…

This Complimentary Discovery Session is open to anyone, but it’s NOT FOR EVERYONE.

In short, if you’re looking for anything less than a total transformation of yourself for the long term – then this is NOT for you. You’ll only be wasting your time and effort, and you’ll likely just fall back into your old cycle of stress and anxiety.

If you’re looking at taking a quantum leap in your life, one that will last forever – then this IS FOR YOU.

Discovery Session
What you need to know about freedom from your stress, anxiety or depression – all revealed in your Discovery Session.

‘‘One of the most positive decisions I have ever made…’
‘At no time during my 42 years have I experienced such a feeling of growth. Des has a unique ability to relate, challenging my thinking where others failed, thus adding profound value to my well-being, health, and my business. One of the most positive decisions I have ever made…’
– John. Christchurch, New Zealand.

Imagine your life without crippling stress, anxiety or depression!

Picture yourself waking up in the morning. Stretching, and enjoying the simple pleasure of feeling happy, fully alive and carefree. Instead of feeling anxious, stressed or depressed – you’re motivated, focused and eager to step into your day. 

Imagine your afternoon, out enjoying yourself with friends. Without those gnawing fears in the back of your mind; about having to take mind-numbing medications, feeling stressed out, or fighting bad thoughts. Or worrying some other nightmare, dragging you back into a down-ward cycle.

Wouldn’t it be great to experience a day without the misery and torment of horrible stress, anxiety or depression? Makes you feel better just thinking about it – doesn’t it?

Isn’t that kind of lifetime relief, well worth investing just ninety minutes in a Complimentary Discovery Session Chat to find out more? You know traditional stress, anxiety and depression treatments like doctor’s, psychologists and councilors cost. And none of them guaranteed to work. What could be fairer?

My process tackles the root cause of your suffering – rather than the symptoms of it. Doesn’t it make sense to try this safe and natural method?

It’s time to breakthrough, end suffering and reclaim you life…

So, if you’re seriously interested in transforming yourself – simply click the Discovery Session button and fill out the form. Then we’ll contact you directly, answer any questions and arrange your Discovery Session.

And I urge you to do it now.

Because if you’re stuck, struggling, wondering what the next step is – here’s your chance to short-cut the process.

So what’ll be…? Will it be another year of more of the same? Or will it go down as the year that everything changed for you?

If you even think this may be right for you, don’t wait. Take a few minutes to fill out the form and make the commitment to find out more!

Discovery Session

‘The impact Des has had on my business and my life is continually growing…
I had always been dubious of ‘coaches’ and other such individuals, as I had often been of the mind that those who cannot do, teach. Des Gray was a shining counterexample to all of my skeptical perspectives. Des lives his work. He is a masterful communicator, an encyclopedia of understanding, and one of the most genuine individuals I’ve ever met…
– Chloe. Auckland, New Zealand.

Finally, remember – once you have stress, anxiety or depression, it can become a lifetime problem. I’ve discovered how to treat my clients quickly, effectively – and discretely. It’s proven and it lasts.

I hate knowing people like you are living every day with constant horrible feelings of stress, anxiety or depression. I want to help you eliminate this horrible suffering for good. Once you learn these powerful concepts and tools, you’ll become self-reliant. And, no longer dependent on others treating your symptoms – rather than treating the root cause of your suffering.

What have you got to lose?

To get started, simply click on the Discovery Session button now…


Discovery Session
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